Exude elegance and modern charm with exquisite sui dhaga earrings

Earrings are one of the staples of the jewellery collection of any woman. Be it studs, hoops, drops, danglers, or chandeliers, earrings form a staple in the daily and fancy jewellery collection of every Indian woman. One style that has quickly emerged to be one of the most elegant options is sui dhaga earrings. Get to know more about these earrings here!

What are sui dhaga earrings?

Sui dhaga earrings are a non-convention style of earrings that does not include a back closure piece to hold the earring in place. Instead, the main piece is attached to a long and thin chain threaded into the piercing. This chain dangles from behind the ear to add to the charm of the piece and keep the earring in place. The chain is also often embellished with a focal piece at the end, which adds weight to the piece and makes it difficult for the piece to fall off.

Styles of sui dhaga earrings

There are many styles of sui dhaga earrings that you can opt for when you go on your next jewellery shopping trip. Some styles include:

  1. Only gold sui dhaga earrings

One of the basic styles is a sui dhaga design that is made entirely in gold. The chain and the front focal piece are all made in gold, making such pieces look traditional rather than modern. This also implies that these are more suited to traditional outfits.

  1. Stone and beads embellished earrings

Gold sui dhaga designs embellished with diamonds and other stones look equally exquisite as only gold ones. These are also incredibly versatile – simple ones with simple and minimal embellishments can be great for office and daily wear. In contrast, those with heavy embellishments can be a subtle accessory for your traditional look.

  1. Stud sui dhaga earrings

Stud pieces are great for an informal and modern look. These designs include a stud as the focal point of the earring that is threaded through and sits snugly against the ear lobe. However, as simple as these are, these also exude subtle elegance ideal for that minimal touch to make any modern outfit stand out.

  1. Dangler or Drop sui dhaga earrings

Much like the stud pieces, these designs are threaded the same way, but the focal design drops beneath the earlobe. These are also accompanied by a stiff curved section that passes through the piercing to make the entire earring sit more stably. These can elevate any look to the next level with the exquisite drop or dangler piece and lend a sense of subtle glamour to any look.

With so many options to choose from, a sui dhaga earring has to be a part of your jewellery collection, especially with its growing trend and usage. Perfect for making all your outfits look just a bit more elegant, these can become your new favourite pieces. So, visit your favourite jewellery stores, online or offline, to start your collection of these beauties.